Foundation Statutes

May 5, 2024

Today we publish the Statutes of the Proyecto Estrella Azul Foundation, with the seal of being duly registered in the Registry of Foundations of the Region of Murcia.

We also note that after the approval of the Statutes, a modification was made to them, which was formalized in a public deed authorized in Murcia on March tenth, two thousand and twenty-three by the Notary Doña María Ángeles Trigueros Parra, under number 747 of its protocol. This modification simply consisted of restricting the scope of action of the Foundation to the autonomous communities of Murcia, Valencia, Andalusia and Castilla La Mancha, without prejudice to being able to carry out specific actions in other places in the national geography, in addition to rectifying article 15.2 of the Statutes relating to the responsibility of administrators to comply with the provisions of article 17.2 of Law 50/2002 of December 26, on Foundations.

Since it is a minor modification, it has not been considered appropriate to incorporate it into this publication.



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